As part of our Slocan Valley Wildfire Resiliency Program SIFCo has been in the process of creating a Wildfire Resilient garden next to the Silverton Fire hall.
Upgrades were also carried out to the Firehall itself to reduce the overall structure wildfire hazard following the firesmart guidelines.
The project has been coordinated on behalf of the three Villages of Slocan, Silverton and New Denver, by Michelle Griffiths (SVWRP Coordinator), Ray Nikkels (professional Landscaper) and Leonard Casley (New Denver Mayor & Silverton Works Manager).
Once completed the Wildfire Resiliency Garden will serve as an educational guide for home owners to reduce wildfire risks around their homes and property by utilizing fire-resistant plants and landscape design that considers the flammability and movement of fire to reduce wildfire risk.
The project began its planning stages in the summer of 2021 and is due to be completed by June of this year.
We hope local residents and visitors will find joy in visiting the garden and that it will help to inform people about firesmart landscaping.
Many thanks to Michelle, Ray and Leonard for this wonderful new addition to our Valley.