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This treatment method is similar to our Type 2 – Post-Harvest Fuel Management – treatment however it is carried out in interface areas where combinations of insect attack, root disease, blowdown and past high-grading have depleted the merchantable timber to the point where no viable harvest volume remains.

The Type 3 treatment reduces the extreme fuel loads on these sites, while retaining an open overstory of established large trees of fire-resistant species. The SIFCo WUI stocking standards will generally be met by natural regeneration.

Our Type 3 treatment uses an excavator to pile fine and medium fuels for disposal, or to mulch fuels in lace using a mulching head. Our machine access routes create open strips in the treated area, but machine access is constrained to limit impacts on stocking density and soil disturbance.

If financially feasible, the hand treatment crew go through the unit to address remaining fuel loads following the machine piling/mulching phase. Our Type 3 treatment meets fuel management and climate change adaptation goals.

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