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SIFCo's manager Stephan Martineau to give keynote at BCCFA conference

SIFCo's Manager Stephan Martineau will be present at the BCCFA 2018 conference, held in Burns Lake. The BCCFA's mission is to promote and support the practice and expansion of sustainable community forest management in British Columbia. Stephan is a Keynote speaker at the conference and will be giving speaking alongside Lori Daniels, Professor, UBC Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, Brian McNaughton, BC Federation of Woodlot Associations General Manager and Bruce Blackwell, RPF, RPBio, BA Blackwell and Associates, his presentation will focus on SIFCo's Strategic Landscape Level Wildfire Protection Plan, how SIFCo went about creating it, and some of the challenges he sees ahead as this type of work gets scaled province wide. He will present some of the tools SIFCo has used, examples of the different types of treatments SIFCo is applying in the landscape, and how he has gained social license to do this work.

For more information on the BCCFA 2018 conference please click here

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