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We are very pleased to announce that we have received one million dollars from the Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) to continue with our Landscape-Level Strategic Wildfire Protection Plan. We are steadily getting closer to creating a demonstration for the province of how a region can approach -- at the landscape scale -- climate change adaptation and wildfire preparedness. With this commitment and support from FESBC, we are making another giant step in that direction: To effectively protect rural areas in BC, our plan proposes a landscape-level approach rather than a piecemeal one. The Plan lays out 12 Strategic Fuel Managed Zones located across main fire movement corridors identified through computer modeling, amongst other things. These Fuel Managed Zones create large defendable fuel breaks spanning hundreds of hectares each. We have [??]five treatment types, to be used in those Zones, including an ecosystem restoration type that reintroduces fire through prescribed burns. The new reality is that wildfires are a part of our future. The more defendable areas are, the more likely we will be successful in protecting threatened communities, infrastructure, and critical ecosystems.

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