Per Section 43.3(f) of the Forest Act, a Community Forest Agreement requires its holder to submit a Management Plan to the Regional Manager. The community forest application process also directs the applicant to provide a proposed Management Plan with their application.
The document below is the approved Management Plan for SIFCo’s Community Forest Agreement (CFA).
The Management Plan:
1. describes the management goals of the forest licenses;
2. states the strategies by which these goals can be attained;
3. identifies higher level plans and applicable legislation governing forest stewardship in the community forest area;
4. describes the methods by which the license holder will meet the higher level plan objectives; and
5. identifies any existing or potential problems or opportunities within the Community Forest Agreement area.
Approval of a management plan represents approval in principle of management intent, but does not give authority to proceed with specific operational activities.
Approval for operational activity within a CFA is done through the Forest Stewardship Plan process, Road Permit application process, and Cutting Permit application process.
The Management Plan below is consistent with current forest legislation governing Community Forest Agreements (CFA) and Higher Level Plans (the Kootenay-Boundary Higher Level Plan Order) under the Forest and Range Practices Act.
Our current approved management plan is available as a download in PDF format.