The Community Forest Agreement (CFA) is an area based tenure, which includes the Pedro Creek, Winlaw Creek, Trozzo Creek, Elliott Creek, and Ringrose Creek drainages, parts of the Lemon Creek and Springer Creek drainages, and the Hasty Creek, Vevey Creek and Brahms Creek drainages.
The FSP is a landscape level plan which establishes objectives, strategies and results for conserving and protecting timber and non-timber resource values on crown land within the CFA.
The FSP has been prepared per the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Forest Planning and Practices regulation.
The FSP does not contain specific operational plans for individual harvesting, fuel management, or ecosystem restoration projects.
These will be addressed in future planning and ongoing
community involvement processes.
We are offering the public and interested parties with an opportunity to review and comment on the FSP.
While information sharing has closing dates specified to ensure clarity in communications, the
public and stakeholders are welcome to contact us at any time with questions, concerns or
comments related to our activities.
SIFCo can be reached by phone: 250-226-7012 or email: office@sifco.ca for additional
information or discussion.