Mar 10, 2011
Interface Work Completed in New Denver!
The Interface work is now almost complete in the village of New Denver. Six workers worked for five months and made the Village a much...

Sep 4, 2010
$247,000 for Wildland Interface work in the Village of New Denver
SIFCo received $247,000 to carry out Wildland Urban Interface work in the village of New Denver. The project will treat 30 hectares of...

Jan 22, 2010
First harvest opportunity for SIFCo
Today SIFCo began work on the ground: We began our first harvest in the Red Mountain area. The block will consist of around seven...

Dec 10, 2009
Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Protection Program gets another $75,000
SIFCo just obtained another $75 000 to carry on their Wildland Urban Interface Management Program, begun in the Spring of 2009. This...

Oct 20, 2009
$27,500 invested in Bannock Point improvements
As a popular, fairly remote, local destination, the spectacular Bannock Point gets a lot of yearly traffic & use. In 2009 SIFCo invested...

Jun 5, 2009
SIFCo receives $135,620 for Invasive Plant Reduction
Following our 2008 Invasive Plant Inventory and our small Pilot Project of the summer 2008, SIFCo just received $135,620 from the Jobs...

Mar 10, 2009
SIFCo’s Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Protection Program gets $246,675
SIFCo received $221,675 from the Jobs Opportunities Program and $25,000 from the Columbia Basin Trust to begin phase #1 of their...

Jan 14, 2009
Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) approved
Today the last draft of our Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) was approved by the Ministry of Forest. The FSP is a planning requirement for...

Dec 10, 2008
New Landscape Level Plan maps released today
As part of SIFCo’s Landscape Level Plan a new set of maps was released today. This set of maps titled: “Wildfire-Human Interface using a...

Dec 8, 2008
New video shows ‘virtual fly-over’ of our landbase
Watch a video of a Google Earth ‘virtual fly-over’ of our landbase and see the land that we are managing (high-speed Internet connection...