SIFCo, a small leading-edge forestry coop, is gaining widespread recognition as a forerunner and leader in Climate Change adaptation, Wildfire Mitigation strategy, Landscape Level management and Integral Forestry.
We currently have a great opportunity for someone to join our team:
We are seeking an exceptional Assistant Project Manager to work with our local municipalities and stakeholders in order to help the Slocan Valley become more FireSmart. Any applicant should have healthy communication and interpersonal skills, organizational & facilitation skills, and a passion for supporting communities in their adaptation journey in the face of climate change.
Please read the description below to determine if this role is a fit for you.
Host three community FireSmart days. Organize venue & booths, marketing of these events, liaison with villages and guest speakers, organize tours, facilitate these events.
Recruit residents who are interested in becoming local FireSmart representatives and/or Wildfire Mitigation Specialists.
Help in the development of a road map for the three villages to become FireSmart Home Partners. You will also facilitate review of structural protection capacities in the villages, and develop, host and participate in cross-jurisdictional meetings to increase emergency preparedness readiness.
Help in the development of a comprehensive program for Private Land holders in collaboration with all three councils that include assessment, rebates and curbside debris pick-up to implement in year two of the program.
Development of FireSmart educational materials.
Develop, create & participate in a Slocan Valley sub-regional FireSmart planning table.
Report writing on all the above.
All the above roles and responsibilities are in close communication with SIFCo’s Manager, with the aim of making the Slocan Valley more adapted to Climate Change.
Overall, you are resourceful, have excellent interpersonal skills, are a great team player and excited to learn new skills, while already having experience in organizing and chairing meetings & events.
Ideally you have a background/degree in forestry and/or environmental science.

Communicate and collaborate with team members.
You’ll report to and coordinate with our manager, and work alongside our SIFCo team. It’s important that you’re self-directed and self-motivated, but that you also love collaborating on a team.
Willing to learn the SIFCo culture.
SIFCo works within a unique ecosystem – both ecologically and culturally. You will learn the SIFCo culture and become familiar with an integral approach to forestry, mediation, community and climate change.
A resourceful approach.
You may not know all the answers, but you are motivated to find them quickly and search on your own as your first response. When you are stuck, you don’t hesitate to inquire and reach out to the team.
Self-motivated and coachable.
You manage your workload independently and respond to last-minute curve balls with humor, resilience and grace. You love learning new things and finding solutions. You enjoy thinking ‘outside the box’ and coming up with creative solutions. Simultaneously you are receptive to guidance, direction and feedback.
Healthy communicator.
You are skillful, kind and clear in your in-person and online communications. You keep the necessary team members in the loop. Your response times are quick and you don’t drop the ball on important issues. When interacting with team and clients, you imagine yourself in their shoes, and communicate with those added perspectives in mind.
Integrity is important to you.
You complete tasks on time, and communicate well in advance if deadlines cannot be met. You organize and plan well, rather than last-minute. You are reliable, and your word is followed by effective and efficient action. You double- and triple-check for potential issues.
Fun to work with.
You are friendly, and bring humor, sincerity and creativity to your job.
Willing and eager to learn.
You are inquisitive and curious. You don’t hesitate to ask questions, and you want to grow in your job. You value your work and are willing to stretch your
edges. You are committed to doing the best job you can, which involves continued learning.
Open to applicants who live in the local area or are able relocate here.
Must be fluent in both written and spoken English.
This position is for 12 months and part-time (24-32 hours / week) with competitive pay.
This position could turn into a long-term position.
If you’ve read this job description and are interested in joining our team with a full-hearted YES, then submit your application today.
Applications will be accepted through Monday, June 3rd, 4pm PT