SIFCo is a non-for-profit community forest cooperative located in the West Kootenays.
Our goal is to be a leader in Climate Change adaptation, sustainable forestry practices, community resiliency, wildfire mitigation, ecosystem-based management, and economic diversification.
The Slocan Integral Forestry Cooperative (SIFCo) board of directors is comprised of representatives from three long-standing residents organizations.
These organizations are:
The Red Mountain Residents Association (RMRA)
The Elliot-Anderson-Christian-Trozzo Watersheds Association (EACT)
The Winlaw Watershed Committee (WWC)
In addition, we currently have one director-at-large on our board.
SIFCo perceives the community, in all of its diversity, as a valuable source of knowledge and ideas. Many residents in this valley have dedicated years of service to the dilemma of resource extraction in a populated valley corridor, and are well informed concerning relevant issues.
These voices must be taken seriously as we continue to create a plan that holds community integrity at its core.